Mix Equal Parts Inhibition and Wine

A boring 20 year old destroying her life in the worst way possible.. By majoring in English Lit.

Wimminz and Babiez

Let me start off with the usual “I’m SOOOO sorry I haven’t written life is so hectic and my house is dirty and EXAMS and life and my dog ATE my other blog posts and…” yep. 

I’m just busy and lazy. I knew I wasn’t cut out for this.

Regardless, I am now in the middle of studying for two exams that I have in 5 days, but doing this seems more enjoyable. I’m a glutton for self punishment. 

Here’s some reiterated facts that you know about me: I’m a female, and I like writing. Gosh, I’m typical. So I’m not surprised when some one reacts to finding this out with “Oh.. Well I guess you could be a stay at home mom”. It’s getting old. It’s getting real old. We know that as English majors, jobs will be scarce, and even then, the pay probably won’t be too great. We GET IT. But why am I suddenly assumed to be taking the stay at home mom route?

Oh right, I’m a girl, and I’m too stupid to take another more “credible” major. My uterus will accomplish more than I do (assuming it’s a boy). 

It’s even more funny when this happens with a person I hardly know, a person that A) Doesn’t even know I have a boyfriend and B) I’m sure as hell never discussed kids with. 

This is so jumpy and random. I don’t care.

Why does my major decide that I am the epitome of womanly stereotypes? Will I have to follow in my pre-1990 sistas footsteps and come up with a sweet pseudonym? Do I have to have an affair to get my book some attention? I figured I wouldn’t. It’s fucking 2013. We’ve progressed. We’re different. Woman aren’t expected to do only certain things. 

Oh yeah. Patriarchy.

It gets even worse when they’re right; I DO want kids and if I got to chose, I WOULD be a stay at home mom. I guess to some this means I’m reinforcing their shitty ideas about what it means to be a woman. I guess I’m this anti-advocate for feminism. I guess everyone assumed I’d be in a major like English or Visual Arts or whatever. I am the stereotype.

Writing this is making me more angry than I thought it would. Hm.

I only have a total of four more English courses to take, and I’ll be done my requirements. Considering I’m only in second year, I think that’s pretty good. I’ve had a job since I was 14, and I worked pretty fucking hard at every job I’ve ever had. I support myself. I don’t ever want to have to rely on someone else to support me financially. 

But fuck me, right?

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